Hwy I to Oneness
Directed by Rajan Luthra
“Hwy I to Oneness” is a captivating and thought-provoking movie project written by Rajan Luthra. It revolves around a hero’s quest to unite the world and awaken the One inner self, fostering unity among all. This movie project carries a noble cause, as 50% of the profits will be donated to charitable organizations
dedicated to COVID-19, homelessness, and child poverty worldwide. Together, let’s bring the world closer as one. Shooting has commenced in late 2020.
Hwy 1
Directed by Rajan Luthra
“INRI” delves into the world of gambling, where vast
sums of money are spent while leaving little for the impoverished and deprived. This Hollywood movie
project, penned by Rajan Luthra, carries a powerful message: “Trust GOD.” As part of our unique endeavor
at Triloc Films Studio, a significant percentage of the movie’s profit will be directed towards non-profit organizations worldwide. The shooting is scheduled to commence in mid-2023, with a Christmas 2023 release.